The statute of the the 4th Music and Art Festival Daugavpils ReStArt 2015

Daugavpils City Council’s Culture Office and Daugavpils Culture Support Association in cooperation with Daugavpils Latvian Culture Centre, Staņislava Broka Daugavpils Music Secondary School, Daugavpils City Planning and Building Department, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, The Club Artilērijas pagrabi, Daugavpils Museum of Regional History and Art, Daugavpils Clay Art Centre, Daugavpils Region Artist’s Association, VSIA Latvijas koncerti, State Culture Capital Foundation, Latgale Region Development Agency, Ministry of Culture are organizing the 4th Music and Art Festival Daugavpils ReStArt 2015 (hence-forward - Festival).

Goals and Tasks

The goal of the Festival is to restart the cultural environment of the city and the region; to develop, renew, change, and improve it; to add it an irreversible qualitative increase and acceleration with the help of organizing the annual Festival.

The tasks of the Festival are to offer Daugavpils’ residents and guests the product of music and art which:

  • is provided for the broadest spectrum of the target audience;
  • is contrasting in content, style and form;
  • is realized at different places in the city;
  • is realized by musicians and artists from Daugavpils, Latgale, Latvia and other countries;
  • is of a good quality, creative and competitive.

One of the tasks is not only to involve the local creative force in the process of the festival but also to invite Daugavpils and Latgale musicians and artists now living and making their carrier abroad.

Not only concerts, performances, exhibitions, and other events, but also seminars, lectures, conferences, with the intention to rouse discussion among Daugavpils and its region residents about the place, role, significance, supply and demand   of culture, cultural environment, music, art –is the aim of the Festivals as well.

The recognition and advertizing of Daugavpils city through the formation of communication and contacts with foreign partners, especially, close to border musicians, artists, guests, and others interested in is necessary.

Time and Place

Time of the Festival – September and October 2015, place – the city of Daugavpils



Daugavpils City Council’s Culture Office and Daugavpils Culture Support Association



Daugavpils Latviešu kultūras centrs

Staņislava Broka Daugavpils Mūzikas vidusskola

Daugavpils Pilsētplānošanas un būvniecības departaments

Daugavpils Marka Rotko mākslas centrs

Klubs Artilērijas pagrabi

Daugavpils novadpētniecības un mākslas muzejs

Daugavpils Māla mākslas centrs

Daugavpils reģiona mākslinieku asociācija

VSIA Latvijas Koncerti

Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fonds

Latgales reģiona attīstības aģentūra

Kultūras ministrija


The festival address

IV Mūzikas un Mākslas festivāla Daugavpils ReStArt 2015 Rīcības komiteja,
Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 1,
LV – 5401.

tālr.: (+371) 654 23601; fakss: (+371) 654 67697;
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  



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